Monday, March 31, 2008

Just Getting Adquainted!

Well...I go from elation to frustration, but I think I'm making progress. This is the first typing of any amount that I have done on the laptop, so forgive any typos.

I'm figuring it out with a little help here and there. I still have a couple of glitches in Outlook express. I wanted to have it on this machine too. I hate web mail. I will need some help to import my contact list I guess. I sure hate to think of typing them all in again!

Kevin spent several days with us, and we really enjoyed our time together. His plan was to go back to work at the port today, so we hope that happened.

Sunday I was elected to serve another three year term on the session at church. I am enjoying this particular job, and it doesn't usually take too much time. By the time I'm done this time around I will be ready to retire, I'm sure.

Kudos to Dave for helping Dad trim the maple trees yesterday. We spent this morning cutting up and packing up the branches. We also removed four old roses from the garden and I got most of it weeded and cleaned. We're trying to make sure it doesn't get too far out in front of us while we're on the cruise. We also got the other patch by the patio cleaned up and ready for a little garden when we return.

I'll be with Kenzie Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, so come by and say hello.


Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Easter!

We have a risen Savior! Blessings on the special day of days.

Saturday, March 15, 2008


HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to Jackie and Steve! We hope you'll do something special to celebrate, even for an hour or two.

Blessings on your heads!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Unplug it all...

Come on over to the Parlee Blog to peek at the new toy.

Posting Pics

I think you know this, but you can publish your pictures within your text posts and leave the margin for those more permanent types of pics... Certainly your call, but thought I'd mention it.



Did you receive an email after this post was published, Dave?

Kenzie's Report Card...even better than the first trimester!

Kenzie continues to excel at school. Her latest report card is even better than the one she brought home the first trimester. WAY TO GO GIRL!

Her strong subjects are social studies, math, and science.

Kenzie is enrolled at Aylen Jr. High School next fall in the Honors Math and Honors English and Social Studies program. It will be a challenging year and daddy wishes her the best!

Where OH Where Has That Little Gal Gone?

This is a picture of our lovely granddaughter who can't be found these days because she's so busy. We need a Soccer Schedule so we can go find her!

Monday, March 10, 2008

College Girl

Here's hats off to Ashley for her A- on a history paper! I hope you enjoyed it, Ashley! It's important to know where we've been, so we can discover who we are and where we're going. Learning can be such fun. I hope you take time to enjoy it.

A lot of things in my past are forgotten memories, but that year in college has remained vivid and precious. The only thing I would trade it for is a BA degree!


Sunday, March 9, 2008

Houston.....we have hardwood!

My hardwood floor was refinished this week. I also had a new floor installed in the office. I am really starting to make some progress on this old house. Windows, a fireplace and mantel and a little trim and the front rooms will be done!

Congratulations to Kenzie!

Kenzie's science fair project was one of only 15 others selected from her school to advance to the district competition.

Her project is called "Fields of Green" and is all about the effects of magnetism on plant growth.

She is thrilled to be going to the district competition for the second year in a row and is hoping for a strong finish.

The district science fair competition will take place at the Puyallup Spring Fair on April 19th. The award ceremony is scheduled for Sunday April 20th at 6 PM.

The science fair projects will be available for viewing during the spring fair from April 16-20 in the Pavilion.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

And Now We Need the Bees

What a fun day. Thanks for being such good sports and getting our Christmas Apple Tree ready to bear fruit. If the bees do their job, we should all be enjoying some fruit in a few months.

Now I hope you can all kick back and have some down time.

We love you.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Birds and the Bears

It's time that you all hear about the birds and the bears. Last year we encountered a neurotic robin. It began to harass our neighborhood, banging into windows, and chasing other birds. It must have finally gotten over the nesting urge, because it just disappeared.

Well guess what? California has the swallows that return to Capistrano. We have the robin that returns to Oakbrook. You should see us running around the neighborhood, clapping our hands and yelling. On Friday, Dad got a brilliant idea. He said, "Let's put these Teddy Bears in the windows. Maybe the robin will think they are a cat." In addition to that, he made "ear muffs" for the mirrors on the Oldsmobile, because the robin lunges and pecks at the mirrors, all the time pooping down the side of the doors. I didn't know a robin could eat enough to poop that much!

Yesterday, it was back...flying between the windshield on the car and banging into the office window, so Dad turned the car around in the driveway to discourage it. Egad!

The final laugh was this morning when we left for church. We backed out of the driveway, headed down the street, and looked at the Hawkins' front window. It was covered with newspapers! Where can we get hormone treatments for that robin?

I know you think I have too much time on my hands, but I had another thought. When we go to Sunriver we'll need to divide up the cooking. I was thinking we might plan dinners around a in Italian night, Mexican night, good old American Barbeque night. Anyone want to grab one?

Another idea might be to plan some evening activities (besides hot tubbing). Movie night....story telling night. Help me here!!

Ah well, you have to indulge the elders!

Love, Mom and Gram