Sunday, November 30, 2008


Come on over to the Parlee Blog for more pics of our little prince...

Holy cow now!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving family!

(Pause the music on the blog before clicking Play)
Wishing you all a wonderful, quiet day today. Love you all!

But......Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Motivation or Torture?

I'll just keep posting embarrassing pictures of the "non-posters" until they comply! Kenzie is certainly capable too!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Lindsey is a GENIUS!!!

Just ask her, she's got the picture of her report card to prove it!

When we all lived together, our communication was comprised of “Don’t do this…Don’t do that, this is when I’m leaving, this is when I’ll be back. I need money, I need clothes, we need groceries…yada, yada, yada.

When you all left home, communication improved. We spent a lot of time on the phone, keeping in touch, and filling in the gaps. The grandchildren used to call almost everyday after school, just to chat. Sheer heaven!

Then came the advent of computers. We loved the instant message function….what fun. But then…duties called, and a simple e-mail would have to do.

With the advent of the cell phone, we got more calls again. Mostly on the run calls, but nice to hear your voices, whenever you could fit it in. But alas, it didn’t last long. The new reality became text messages….short, in shorthand language. Beep, beep became the voice of the caller. Hard to love beep, beep! I never thought I’d be a partner in that!

But now, I’m getting you back…not in voice, but at least in pictures. Jackie’s right, we ALL need to use the blog more often. Where are the Mexico pictures? Where are the soccer pictures? Where are the dance pictures? Where are the fun stories from the girls? Let’s do it as our gift to each other!