Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
A Very Happy Birthday To You Dad!
Life Lessons
You may have thought I didn't see,
Or that I hadn't heard,
Life lessons that you taught to me,
But I got every word.
Perhaps you thought I missed it all,
And that we'd grow apart,
But Dad, I picked up everything,
It's written on my heart.
Without you, Dad, I wouldn't be
The woman I am today;
You built a strong foundation
No one can take away.
I've grown up with your values,
And I'm very glad I did;
So here's to you, dear father,
From your forever grateful kid.

Monday, December 29, 2008
Well ok then
1. started your own blog,yep
2. slept under the stars,yep
3. played in a band,yep
4. visited hawaii,for a few years yep
5. watched a meteor shower,yep
6. given more than you can afford to charity,yep
7. been to disneyland,nope
8. climbed a mountain,yep
9. held a praying mantis,yep
10. sang a solo,yep
11. bungee jumped,no thanks
12. visited paris,nope
13. watched a lightning storm at sea,yep
14. taught yourself an art from scratch,yep
15. adopted a child,no we have plenty
16. had food poisoning,more than a few times
17. seen in person the statue of liberty,about 100 times
18. grown your own vegetables,yep
19. seen the mona lisa in france,no haven't seen him/her in france
20. slept on an overnight train,don't think so
21. had a pillow fight,yep
22. hitch-hiked,yep
23. taken a sick day when you're not ill,yep
24. built a snow fort,yep
25. held a lamb,yep
26. gone skinny dipping,yep
27. run a marathon,heck no
28. ridden in a gondola in venice,nope
29. seen a total eclipse,solar yes lunar, yes
30. watched a sunrise or a sunset,often back to back
31. hit a home run (in the park), nope, three run triple little league.then Dave hit the grand slam (softball)
32. been on a cruise,been on about 4 or 5 hundred of those
33. seen niagra falls in person,nope
34. visited the birthplace of your ancestors,only the ones born in the states
35. seen an amish community, saw one drive thru the 7 eleven they had a toilet on flatbed trailer
36. taught yourself a new language, does pascal or cobol count?
37. had enough money to be truly satisfied, not in this lifetime
38. seen the leaning tower of pisa in person,nope
39. gone rock climbing,no just rock and rolling
40. seen michaelangelo's david,nope
41. sung karaoke,unfortunately
42. seen the old faithful geyser erupt,yep
43. bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant,yep
4. visited africa,nope
45. walked on a beach by moonlight,yep
46. been transported in an ambulance,few times
47. received a prestigious award,nothing worth mentioning
48. gone deep sea fishing,yep yep yep
49. seen the sistine chapel in person,nope I'm missing out on the art ..interesting
50. been to the top of the eiffel tower in paris,nope
51. gone scuba diving or snorkeling,both
52. kissed in the rain,yep
53. played in the mud,yep
54. gone to a drive-in theater,yep
55. been in a movie,not that I know of
56. visited the great wall of china,nope
57. started a business,nope
58. taken a martial arts class,nope
59. visited russia,nope
60. served at a soup kitchen,yea just got done
61. sold girl scout cookies, no just bought em
62. gone whale watching,I go look at em when the Captain tells us they are about
63. got flowers for no reason,yep
64. donated blood, platelets or plasma,yep
65. gone sky diving,nope
66. visited a nazi concentration camp, nope
67. bounced a check,yep done the boing thing
68. flown in a helicopter,nope
69. saved a favorite childhood toy,nope all gone
70. visited the lincoln memorial,nope
71. eaten caviar,yep
72. pieced a quilt,nope
73. stood in times square, many times
74. toured the everglades,nope
75. been fired from a job,yep
76. seen the changing of the guards in london,dont suppose bbc broadcasting counts
77. broken a bone,yep picked one and chewed one too
78. been on a speeding motorcycle, That what the police said anyway
79. seen the grand canyon in person,yep
80. published a book,nope
81. visited the vatican,nope
82. bought a brand new car,yep
83. walked in jerusalem,nope
84. had your picture in the newspaper,yep
85. read the entire bible,yep
86. visited the white house,nope
87. killed and prepared an animal for eating,nope (but if your counting fish, I am a notorious murderer)
88. had chickenpox, I think so
89. saved someone's life, nope..however,I'm sure we all have weather we know it or not
90. sat on a jury,Piano Jury
91. met someone famous,yep
92. joined a book club,yep
93. lost a loved one,yep
94. had a baby,no thanx I'll leave that to the pros
95. seen the alamo in person,no but I certainly Remember the Alamo
96. swam in the great salt lake,nope
97. been involved in a law suit,nope
98. owned a cell phone,yep
99. been stung by a bee,yep
100. learned to play an instrument, yea I guess still a lot to learn though
2. slept under the stars,yep
3. played in a band,yep
4. visited hawaii,for a few years yep
5. watched a meteor shower,yep
6. given more than you can afford to charity,yep
7. been to disneyland,nope
8. climbed a mountain,yep
9. held a praying mantis,yep
10. sang a solo,yep
11. bungee jumped,no thanks
12. visited paris,nope
13. watched a lightning storm at sea,yep
14. taught yourself an art from scratch,yep
15. adopted a child,no we have plenty
16. had food poisoning,more than a few times
17. seen in person the statue of liberty,about 100 times
18. grown your own vegetables,yep
19. seen the mona lisa in france,no haven't seen him/her in france
20. slept on an overnight train,don't think so
21. had a pillow fight,yep
22. hitch-hiked,yep
23. taken a sick day when you're not ill,yep
24. built a snow fort,yep
25. held a lamb,yep
26. gone skinny dipping,yep
27. run a marathon,heck no
28. ridden in a gondola in venice,nope
29. seen a total eclipse,solar yes lunar, yes
30. watched a sunrise or a sunset,often back to back
31. hit a home run (in the park), nope, three run triple little league.then Dave hit the grand slam (softball)
32. been on a cruise,been on about 4 or 5 hundred of those
33. seen niagra falls in person,nope
34. visited the birthplace of your ancestors,only the ones born in the states
35. seen an amish community, saw one drive thru the 7 eleven they had a toilet on flatbed trailer
36. taught yourself a new language, does pascal or cobol count?
37. had enough money to be truly satisfied, not in this lifetime
38. seen the leaning tower of pisa in person,nope
39. gone rock climbing,no just rock and rolling
40. seen michaelangelo's david,nope
41. sung karaoke,unfortunately
42. seen the old faithful geyser erupt,yep
43. bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant,yep
4. visited africa,nope
45. walked on a beach by moonlight,yep
46. been transported in an ambulance,few times
47. received a prestigious award,nothing worth mentioning
48. gone deep sea fishing,yep yep yep
49. seen the sistine chapel in person,nope I'm missing out on the art ..interesting
50. been to the top of the eiffel tower in paris,nope
51. gone scuba diving or snorkeling,both
52. kissed in the rain,yep
53. played in the mud,yep
54. gone to a drive-in theater,yep
55. been in a movie,not that I know of
56. visited the great wall of china,nope
57. started a business,nope
58. taken a martial arts class,nope
59. visited russia,nope
60. served at a soup kitchen,yea just got done
61. sold girl scout cookies, no just bought em
62. gone whale watching,I go look at em when the Captain tells us they are about
63. got flowers for no reason,yep
64. donated blood, platelets or plasma,yep
65. gone sky diving,nope
66. visited a nazi concentration camp, nope
67. bounced a check,yep done the boing thing
68. flown in a helicopter,nope
69. saved a favorite childhood toy,nope all gone
70. visited the lincoln memorial,nope
71. eaten caviar,yep
72. pieced a quilt,nope
73. stood in times square, many times
74. toured the everglades,nope
75. been fired from a job,yep
76. seen the changing of the guards in london,dont suppose bbc broadcasting counts
77. broken a bone,yep picked one and chewed one too
78. been on a speeding motorcycle, That what the police said anyway
79. seen the grand canyon in person,yep
80. published a book,nope
81. visited the vatican,nope
82. bought a brand new car,yep
83. walked in jerusalem,nope
84. had your picture in the newspaper,yep
85. read the entire bible,yep
86. visited the white house,nope
87. killed and prepared an animal for eating,nope (but if your counting fish, I am a notorious murderer)
88. had chickenpox, I think so
89. saved someone's life, nope..however,I'm sure we all have weather we know it or not
90. sat on a jury,Piano Jury
91. met someone famous,yep
92. joined a book club,yep
93. lost a loved one,yep
94. had a baby,no thanx I'll leave that to the pros
95. seen the alamo in person,no but I certainly Remember the Alamo
96. swam in the great salt lake,nope
97. been involved in a law suit,nope
98. owned a cell phone,yep
99. been stung by a bee,yep
100. learned to play an instrument, yea I guess still a lot to learn though
Elika's Talented Brother-in-Law
This is Daniel's (Elika's brother in-law) website. He is a freelance photographer and he does most of his work for Greenpeace. He's also a big Mac user so I have someone to bounce my questions of off. :)
Elaine's Have Done List
1. started your own blog
2. slept under the stars
3. played in a band
4. visited hawaii
5. watched a meteor shower
6. given more than you can afford to charity
7. been to disneyland
8. climbed a mountain
9. held a praying mantis
10. sang a solo
11. bungee jumped
12. visited paris
13. watched a lightning storm at sea
14. taught yourself an art from scratch
15. adopted a child
16. had food poisoning
17. seen in person the statue of liberty
18. grown your own vegetables
19. seen the mona lisa in france
20. slept on an overnight train
21. had a pillow fight
22. hitch-hiked
23. taken a sick day when you're not ill
24. built a snow fort
25. held a lamb
26. gone skinny dipping
27. run a marathon
28. ridden in a gondola in venice
29. seen a total eclipse
30. watched a sunrise or a sunset
31. hit a home run (in the park)
32. been on a cruise
2. slept under the stars
3. played in a band
4. visited hawaii
5. watched a meteor shower
6. given more than you can afford to charity
7. been to disneyland
8. climbed a mountain
9. held a praying mantis
10. sang a solo
11. bungee jumped
12. visited paris
13. watched a lightning storm at sea
14. taught yourself an art from scratch
15. adopted a child
16. had food poisoning
17. seen in person the statue of liberty
18. grown your own vegetables
19. seen the mona lisa in france
20. slept on an overnight train
21. had a pillow fight
22. hitch-hiked
23. taken a sick day when you're not ill
24. built a snow fort
25. held a lamb
26. gone skinny dipping
27. run a marathon
28. ridden in a gondola in venice
29. seen a total eclipse
30. watched a sunrise or a sunset
31. hit a home run (in the park)
32. been on a cruise
33. seen niagra falls in person
34. visited the birthplace of your ancestors
35. seen an amish community
34. visited the birthplace of your ancestors
35. seen an amish community
36. taught yourself a new language
37. had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. seen the leaning tower of pisa in person
39. gone rock climbing
40. seen michaelangelo's david
41. sung karaoke
42. seen the old faithful geyser erupt
43. bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant4
4. visited africa
45. walked on a beach by moonlight
46. been transported in an ambulance
47. received a prestigious award
48. gone deep sea fishing
49. seen the sistine chapel in person
50. been to the top of the eiffel tower in paris
51. gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. kissed in the rain
53. played in the mud
54. gone to a drive-in theater
55. been in a movie
56. visited the great wall of china
57. started a business...The Daly Sum and Tailor Made Tutoring
58. taken a martial arts class
59. visited russia
60. served at a soup kitchen...made the soup in the kitchen.
61. sold girl scout cookies
62. gone whale watching
63. got flowers for no reason
64. donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. gone sky diving
66. visited a nazi concentration camp
67. bounced a check...but wait! I have overdraft coverage!
68. flown in a helicopter
69. saved a favorite childhood toy
70. visited the lincoln memorial
71. eaten caviar
72. pieced a quilt
73. stood in times square...on my dad's shoulders when we lived in New City, a suburb of N.Y.
74. toured the everglades
75. been fired from a job...this is a toss up. Did I quit first or get fired first????
76. seen the changing of the guards in london
77. broken a bone
78. been on a speeding motorcycle
79. seen the grand canyon in person
80. published a book
81. visited the vatican
82. bought a brand new car
83. walked in jerusalem
84. had your picture in the newspaper...I was about three or four and it was an insurance ad.
85. read the entire bible
86. visited the white house...just the outside through the fence.
87. killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. had chickenpox
89. saved someone's life
90. sat on a jury
91. met someone famous
92. joined a book club
93. lost a loved one
94. had a baby...yes, I know, I know, but I gained weight and stressed while waiting. Does that count?! I didn't breathe all the way to Mount Vernon with Care.
95. seen the alamo in person
96. swam in the great salt lake
97. been involved in a law suit
98. owned a cell phone
99. been stung by a bee
100. learned to play an instrument
37. had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. seen the leaning tower of pisa in person
39. gone rock climbing
40. seen michaelangelo's david
41. sung karaoke
42. seen the old faithful geyser erupt
43. bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant4
4. visited africa
45. walked on a beach by moonlight
46. been transported in an ambulance
47. received a prestigious award
48. gone deep sea fishing
49. seen the sistine chapel in person
50. been to the top of the eiffel tower in paris
51. gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. kissed in the rain
53. played in the mud
54. gone to a drive-in theater
55. been in a movie
56. visited the great wall of china
57. started a business...The Daly Sum and Tailor Made Tutoring
58. taken a martial arts class
59. visited russia
60. served at a soup kitchen...made the soup in the kitchen.
61. sold girl scout cookies
62. gone whale watching
63. got flowers for no reason
64. donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. gone sky diving
66. visited a nazi concentration camp
67. bounced a check...but wait! I have overdraft coverage!
68. flown in a helicopter
69. saved a favorite childhood toy
70. visited the lincoln memorial
71. eaten caviar
72. pieced a quilt
73. stood in times square...on my dad's shoulders when we lived in New City, a suburb of N.Y.
74. toured the everglades
75. been fired from a job...this is a toss up. Did I quit first or get fired first????
76. seen the changing of the guards in london
77. broken a bone
78. been on a speeding motorcycle
79. seen the grand canyon in person
80. published a book
81. visited the vatican
82. bought a brand new car
83. walked in jerusalem
84. had your picture in the newspaper...I was about three or four and it was an insurance ad.
85. read the entire bible
86. visited the white house...just the outside through the fence.
87. killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. had chickenpox
89. saved someone's life
90. sat on a jury
91. met someone famous
92. joined a book club
93. lost a loved one
94. had a baby...yes, I know, I know, but I gained weight and stressed while waiting. Does that count?! I didn't breathe all the way to Mount Vernon with Care.
95. seen the alamo in person
96. swam in the great salt lake
97. been involved in a law suit
98. owned a cell phone
99. been stung by a bee
100. learned to play an instrument
Steve's "Have Done List"
1. started your own blog
2. slept under the stars
3. played in a band
4. visited hawaii
5. watched a meteor shower
6. given more than you can afford to charity
7. been to disneyland
8. climbed a mountain
9. held a praying mantis
10. sang a solo
11. bungee jumped
12. visited paris
13. watched a lightning storm at sea
14. taught yourself an art from scratch
15. adopted a child
16. had food poisoning
17. seen in person the statue of liberty
18. grown your own vegetables
19. seen the mona lisa in france
20. slept on an overnight train
21. had a pillow fight
22. hitch-hiked
23. taken a sick day when you're not ill
24. built a snow fort
25. held a lamb
26. gone skinny dipping
27. run a marathon
28. ridden in a gondola in venice
29. seen a total eclipse
30. watched a sunrise or a sunset
31. hit a home run (in the park)
32. been on a cruise
33. seen niagra falls in person
34. visited the birthplace of your ancestors
35. seen an amish community
36. taught yourself a new language
37. had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. seen the leaning tower of pisa in person
39. gone rock climbing
40. seen michaelangelo's david
41. sung karaoke
42. seen the old faithful geyser erupt
43. bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. visited africa
45. walked on a beach by moonlight
46. been transported in an ambulance
47. received a prestigious award
48. gone deep sea fishing
49. seen the sistine chapel in person
50. been to the top of the eiffel tower in paris
51. gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. kissed in the rain
53. played in the mud
54. gone to a drive-in theater
55. been in a movie
56. visited the great wall of china
57. started a business
58. taken a martial arts class
59. visited russia
60. served at a soup kitchen
61. sold girl scout cookies
62. gone whale watching
63. got flowers for no reason
64. donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. gone sky diving
66. visited a nazi concentration camp
67. bounced a check
68. flown in a helicopter
69. saved a favorite childhood toy
70. visited the lincoln memorial
71. eaten caviar
72. pieced a quilt
73. stood in times square
74. toured the everglades
75. been fired from a job
76. seen the changing of the guards in london
77. broken a bone
78. been on a speeding motorcycle
79. seen the grand canyon in person
80. published a book
81. visited the vatican
82. bought a brand new car
83. walked in jerusalem
84. had your picture in the newspaper
85. read the entire bible
86. visited the white house
87. killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. had chickenpox
89. saved someone's life
90. sat on a jury
91. met someone famous
92. joined a book club
93. lost a loved one
94. had a baby
95. seen the alamo in person
96. swam in the great salt lake
97. been involved in a law suit
98. owned a cell phone
99. been stung by a bee
100. learned to play an instrument
2. slept under the stars
3. played in a band
4. visited hawaii
5. watched a meteor shower
6. given more than you can afford to charity
7. been to disneyland
8. climbed a mountain
9. held a praying mantis
10. sang a solo
11. bungee jumped
12. visited paris
13. watched a lightning storm at sea
14. taught yourself an art from scratch
15. adopted a child
16. had food poisoning
17. seen in person the statue of liberty
18. grown your own vegetables
19. seen the mona lisa in france
20. slept on an overnight train
21. had a pillow fight
22. hitch-hiked
23. taken a sick day when you're not ill
24. built a snow fort
25. held a lamb
26. gone skinny dipping
27. run a marathon
28. ridden in a gondola in venice
29. seen a total eclipse
30. watched a sunrise or a sunset
31. hit a home run (in the park)
32. been on a cruise
33. seen niagra falls in person
34. visited the birthplace of your ancestors
35. seen an amish community
36. taught yourself a new language
37. had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. seen the leaning tower of pisa in person
39. gone rock climbing
40. seen michaelangelo's david
41. sung karaoke
42. seen the old faithful geyser erupt
43. bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. visited africa
45. walked on a beach by moonlight
46. been transported in an ambulance
47. received a prestigious award
48. gone deep sea fishing
49. seen the sistine chapel in person
50. been to the top of the eiffel tower in paris
51. gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. kissed in the rain
53. played in the mud
54. gone to a drive-in theater
55. been in a movie
56. visited the great wall of china
57. started a business
58. taken a martial arts class
59. visited russia
60. served at a soup kitchen
61. sold girl scout cookies
62. gone whale watching
63. got flowers for no reason
64. donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. gone sky diving
66. visited a nazi concentration camp
67. bounced a check
68. flown in a helicopter
69. saved a favorite childhood toy
70. visited the lincoln memorial
71. eaten caviar
72. pieced a quilt
73. stood in times square
74. toured the everglades
75. been fired from a job
76. seen the changing of the guards in london
77. broken a bone
78. been on a speeding motorcycle
79. seen the grand canyon in person
80. published a book
81. visited the vatican
82. bought a brand new car
83. walked in jerusalem
84. had your picture in the newspaper
85. read the entire bible
86. visited the white house
87. killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. had chickenpox
89. saved someone's life
90. sat on a jury
91. met someone famous
92. joined a book club
93. lost a loved one
94. had a baby
95. seen the alamo in person
96. swam in the great salt lake
97. been involved in a law suit
98. owned a cell phone
99. been stung by a bee
100. learned to play an instrument
Big Jack Tells It Like It Is
1. started your own blog
2. slept under the stars Mom and I shared a morning with a rattlesnake find.
3. played in a band High School, College, Navy...does that qualify?
4. visited hawaii Ready to return!
5. watched a meteor shower
6. given more than you can afford to charity
Been there, done that
8. climbed a mountain
9. held a praying mantis
10. sang a solo Bunches!
11. bungee jumped Don't intend to!
12. visited paris
13. watched a lightning storm at sea Strangely....no.
14. taught yourself an art from scratch Does golf count?
15. adopted a child
16. had food poisoning Mom went to Hawaii and left me in the kitchen!
17. seen in person the statue of liberty Yep!
18. grown your own vegetables Arbor Lodge Vegetable Garden
19. seen the mona lisa in france
20. slept on an overnight train
21. had a pillow fight Brother, Dick
22. hitch-hiked Many times...once with a character with a loose steering wheel!
23. taken a sick day when you're not ill Who me?
24. built a snow fort
25. held a lamb
26. gone skinny dipping
27. run a marathon
28. ridden in a gondola in venice
29. seen a total eclipse Yep. Smiled at many!
30. watched a sunrise or a sunset More rises than sets!
31. hit a home run (in the park)
32. been on a cruise About two and a half years.
33. seen niagra falls in person
34. visited the birthplace of your ancestors
35. seen an amish community
36. taught yourself a new language
37. had enough money to be truly satisfied More than my share!
38. seen the leaning tower of pisa in person
39. gone rock climbing
40. seen michaelangelo's david
41. sung karaoke
42. seen the old faithful geyser erupt
43. bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. visited africa
45. walked on a beach by moonlight
46. been transported in an ambulance Remember the ice skating party????
47. received a prestigious award Honorable Discharge!
48. gone deep sea fishing More fishing than catching!
49. seen the sistine chapel in person
50. been to the top of the eiffel tower in paris
51. gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. kissed in the rain Does the shower count?
53. played in the mud
54. gone to a drive-in theater With sleeping kids in the backseat.
55. been in a movie
56. visited the great wall of china
57. started a business
58. taken a martial arts class
59. visited russia
60. served at a soup kitchen
61. sold girl scout cookies
62. gone whale watching
63. got flowers for no reason
64. donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. gone sky diving
66. visited a nazi concentration camp
67. bounced a check
68. flown in a helicopter
69. saved a favorite childhood toy
70. visited the lincoln memorial
71. eaten caviar
72. pieced a quilt
73. stood in times square Not too impressed.
74. toured the everglades
75. been fired from a job
76. seen the changing of the guards in london
77. broken a bone If ribs count, you betcha!
78. been on a speeding motorcycle Relatively speaking! No bugs in the teeth.
79. seen the grand canyon in person Almost fell in!
80. published a book My home and car maintenance manual!
81. visited the vatican
82. bought a brand new car They told me it was new!
83. walked in jerusalem
84. had your picture in the newspaper Front page cover story!
85. read the entire bible
86. visited the white house
87. killed and prepared an animal for eating Fish....deer, duck, pheasant...racoons come next!
88. had chickenpox
89. saved someone's life
90. sat on a jury Enough times to get saddle sores!
91. met someone famous Played honors for Ike Eisenhower as President Elect
92. joined a book club Can't read.
93. lost a loved one
94. had a baby Or at least helped!
95. seen the alamo in person
96. swam in the great salt lake Salty Ocean
97. been involved in a law suit
98. owned a cell phone
99. been stung by a bee On my eyelid, plus others!
100. learned to play an instrument
2. slept under the stars Mom and I shared a morning with a rattlesnake find.
3. played in a band High School, College, Navy...does that qualify?
4. visited hawaii Ready to return!
5. watched a meteor shower
6. given more than you can afford to charity
Been there, done that
8. climbed a mountain
9. held a praying mantis
10. sang a solo Bunches!
11. bungee jumped Don't intend to!
12. visited paris
13. watched a lightning storm at sea Strangely....no.
14. taught yourself an art from scratch Does golf count?
15. adopted a child
16. had food poisoning Mom went to Hawaii and left me in the kitchen!
17. seen in person the statue of liberty Yep!
18. grown your own vegetables Arbor Lodge Vegetable Garden
19. seen the mona lisa in france
20. slept on an overnight train
21. had a pillow fight Brother, Dick
22. hitch-hiked Many times...once with a character with a loose steering wheel!
23. taken a sick day when you're not ill Who me?
24. built a snow fort
25. held a lamb
26. gone skinny dipping
27. run a marathon
28. ridden in a gondola in venice
29. seen a total eclipse Yep. Smiled at many!
30. watched a sunrise or a sunset More rises than sets!
31. hit a home run (in the park)
32. been on a cruise About two and a half years.
33. seen niagra falls in person
34. visited the birthplace of your ancestors
35. seen an amish community
36. taught yourself a new language
37. had enough money to be truly satisfied More than my share!
38. seen the leaning tower of pisa in person
39. gone rock climbing
40. seen michaelangelo's david
41. sung karaoke
42. seen the old faithful geyser erupt
43. bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. visited africa
45. walked on a beach by moonlight
46. been transported in an ambulance Remember the ice skating party????
47. received a prestigious award Honorable Discharge!
48. gone deep sea fishing More fishing than catching!
49. seen the sistine chapel in person
50. been to the top of the eiffel tower in paris
51. gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. kissed in the rain Does the shower count?
53. played in the mud
54. gone to a drive-in theater With sleeping kids in the backseat.
55. been in a movie
56. visited the great wall of china
57. started a business
58. taken a martial arts class
59. visited russia
60. served at a soup kitchen
61. sold girl scout cookies
62. gone whale watching
63. got flowers for no reason
64. donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. gone sky diving
66. visited a nazi concentration camp
67. bounced a check
68. flown in a helicopter
69. saved a favorite childhood toy
70. visited the lincoln memorial
71. eaten caviar
72. pieced a quilt
73. stood in times square Not too impressed.
74. toured the everglades
75. been fired from a job
76. seen the changing of the guards in london
77. broken a bone If ribs count, you betcha!
78. been on a speeding motorcycle Relatively speaking! No bugs in the teeth.
79. seen the grand canyon in person Almost fell in!
80. published a book My home and car maintenance manual!
81. visited the vatican
82. bought a brand new car They told me it was new!
83. walked in jerusalem
84. had your picture in the newspaper Front page cover story!
85. read the entire bible
86. visited the white house
87. killed and prepared an animal for eating Fish....deer, duck, pheasant...racoons come next!
88. had chickenpox
89. saved someone's life
90. sat on a jury Enough times to get saddle sores!
91. met someone famous Played honors for Ike Eisenhower as President Elect
92. joined a book club Can't read.
93. lost a loved one
94. had a baby Or at least helped!
95. seen the alamo in person
96. swam in the great salt lake Salty Ocean
97. been involved in a law suit
98. owned a cell phone
99. been stung by a bee On my eyelid, plus others!
100. learned to play an instrument
Some of the Story
1. started your own blog
2. slept under the stars
3. played in a band
4. visited hawaii 4 times! So lucky!
5. watched a meteor shower And Haley's Comet
6. given more than you can afford to charity It's the way to financial freedom!
7. been to disneyland Once with our little girl. Dave is still mad!
8. climbed a mountain Well...ok, Lookout Peak
9. held a praying mantis
10. sang a solo Started when I was 4, but got sensible in college when I met the competition!
11. bungee jumped You must be kidding!
12. visited paris Jackie will do this for me!
13. watched a lightning storm at sea
14. taught yourself an art from scratch
15. adopted a child
16. had food poisoning Wowser! 7 month pregnant with Kevin and a houseful of company expected.
17. seen in person the statue of liberty Pretty soon!
18. grown your own vegetables
19. seen the mona lisa in france
20. slept on an overnight train
21. had a pillow fight See #12
22. hitch-hiked
23. taken a sick day when you're not ill
24. built a snow fort Really? A campfire? Who in the world are your parents?
25. held a lamb
26. gone skinny dipping See #12
27. run a marathon Did you see me on Christmas Day?
28. ridden in a gondola in venice You got it....#12
29. seen a total eclipse In 70 years, you see a lot!
30. watched a sunrise or a sunset See #29
31. hit a home run (in the park)
32. been on a cruise Three. Lucky me!
33. seen niagra falls in person See #17
34. visited the birthplace of your ancestors
35. seen an amish community It's on my list!
36. taught yourself a new language
37. had enough money to be truly satisfied I'm grateful every day!
38. seen the leaning tower of pisa in person See #.......
39. gone rock climbing Not so much!
40. seen michaelangelo's david Now what was that number?
41. sung karaoke
42. seen the old faithful geyser erupt Truly amazing!
43. bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant4 Shouldof...Couldof!
4. visited africa
45. walked on a beach by moonlight
46. been transported in an ambulance
47. received a prestigious award
48. gone deep sea fishing
49. seen the sistine chapel in person Ok Already!
50. been to the top of the eiffel tower in paris See 49!
51. gone scuba diving or snorkeling And I don't even swim!
52. kissed in the rain
53. played in the mud I grew up in ND!
54. gone to a drive-in theater With 2 boys, 18 mos. apart, only way to see a movie!
55. been in a movie
56. visited the great wall of china
57. started a business A Corporation!
58. taken a martial arts class Any day now!
59. visited russia No..but that's the ancestors' stomping ground!
60. served at a soup kitchen Should! Could!
61. sold girl scout cookies
62. gone whale watching Hawaii/Alaska
63. got flowers for no reason Thank God for children!...All three!
64. Donated blood or plasma
65. gone sky diving See #11
66. visited a nazi concentration camp
67. bounced a check It's the 70 year thing again!
68. flown in a helicopter
69. saved a favorite childhood toy A child's wooden chair
70. visited the lincoln memorial
71. eaten caviar It's over rated!
72. pieced a quilt You all look in your closets!
73. stood in times square Pretty soon!
74. toured the everglades
75. been fired from a job
76. seen the changing of the guards in london Whoopie!
77. broken a bone Bicycle!
78. been on a speeding motorcycle Well...as fast as Grandpa drives!
79. seen the grand canyon in person For Easter Sunrise! Truly amazing!
80. published a book
81. visited the vatican
82. bought a brand new car I didn't get to pick it, but had to go with $12,000 in hand and pay for it when Dad left town!
83. walked in jerusalem I still hope to make it!
84. had your picture in the newspaper
85. read the entire bible Ask me in about six weeks!
86. visited the white house And the Supreme Court...and...and
87. killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. had chickenpox
89. saved someone's life Tried once, but it was sadly too late.
90. sat on a jury
91. met someone famous How famous?
92. joined a book club
93. lost a loved one
94. had a baby
95. seen the alamo in person
96. swam in the great salt lake
97. been involved in a law suit
98. owned a cell phone
99. been stung by a bee No, but one smacked me in the face at 50 mph on a date with Dad!
100. learned to play an instrument Well...almost!
2. slept under the stars
3. played in a band
4. visited hawaii 4 times! So lucky!
5. watched a meteor shower And Haley's Comet
6. given more than you can afford to charity It's the way to financial freedom!
7. been to disneyland Once with our little girl. Dave is still mad!
8. climbed a mountain Well...ok, Lookout Peak
9. held a praying mantis
10. sang a solo Started when I was 4, but got sensible in college when I met the competition!
11. bungee jumped You must be kidding!
12. visited paris Jackie will do this for me!
13. watched a lightning storm at sea
14. taught yourself an art from scratch
15. adopted a child
16. had food poisoning Wowser! 7 month pregnant with Kevin and a houseful of company expected.
17. seen in person the statue of liberty Pretty soon!
18. grown your own vegetables
19. seen the mona lisa in france
20. slept on an overnight train
21. had a pillow fight See #12
22. hitch-hiked
23. taken a sick day when you're not ill
24. built a snow fort Really? A campfire? Who in the world are your parents?
25. held a lamb
26. gone skinny dipping See #12
27. run a marathon Did you see me on Christmas Day?
28. ridden in a gondola in venice You got it....#12
29. seen a total eclipse In 70 years, you see a lot!
30. watched a sunrise or a sunset See #29
31. hit a home run (in the park)
32. been on a cruise Three. Lucky me!
33. seen niagra falls in person See #17
34. visited the birthplace of your ancestors
35. seen an amish community It's on my list!
36. taught yourself a new language
37. had enough money to be truly satisfied I'm grateful every day!
38. seen the leaning tower of pisa in person See #.......
39. gone rock climbing Not so much!
40. seen michaelangelo's david Now what was that number?
41. sung karaoke
42. seen the old faithful geyser erupt Truly amazing!
43. bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant4 Shouldof...Couldof!
4. visited africa
45. walked on a beach by moonlight
46. been transported in an ambulance
47. received a prestigious award
48. gone deep sea fishing
49. seen the sistine chapel in person Ok Already!
50. been to the top of the eiffel tower in paris See 49!
51. gone scuba diving or snorkeling And I don't even swim!
52. kissed in the rain
53. played in the mud I grew up in ND!
54. gone to a drive-in theater With 2 boys, 18 mos. apart, only way to see a movie!
55. been in a movie
56. visited the great wall of china
57. started a business A Corporation!
58. taken a martial arts class Any day now!
59. visited russia No..but that's the ancestors' stomping ground!
60. served at a soup kitchen Should! Could!
61. sold girl scout cookies
62. gone whale watching Hawaii/Alaska
63. got flowers for no reason Thank God for children!...All three!
64. Donated blood or plasma
65. gone sky diving See #11
66. visited a nazi concentration camp
67. bounced a check It's the 70 year thing again!
68. flown in a helicopter
69. saved a favorite childhood toy A child's wooden chair
70. visited the lincoln memorial
71. eaten caviar It's over rated!
72. pieced a quilt You all look in your closets!
73. stood in times square Pretty soon!
74. toured the everglades
75. been fired from a job
76. seen the changing of the guards in london Whoopie!
77. broken a bone Bicycle!
78. been on a speeding motorcycle Well...as fast as Grandpa drives!
79. seen the grand canyon in person For Easter Sunrise! Truly amazing!
80. published a book
81. visited the vatican
82. bought a brand new car I didn't get to pick it, but had to go with $12,000 in hand and pay for it when Dad left town!
83. walked in jerusalem I still hope to make it!
84. had your picture in the newspaper
85. read the entire bible Ask me in about six weeks!
86. visited the white house And the Supreme Court...and...and
87. killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. had chickenpox
89. saved someone's life Tried once, but it was sadly too late.
90. sat on a jury
91. met someone famous How famous?
92. joined a book club
93. lost a loved one
94. had a baby
95. seen the alamo in person
96. swam in the great salt lake
97. been involved in a law suit
98. owned a cell phone
99. been stung by a bee No, but one smacked me in the face at 50 mph on a date with Dad!
100. learned to play an instrument Well...almost!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
(little) Jack's Answers
1. started your own blog -ummm..
2. slept under the stars
3. played in a band - concert band, but I doubt this is what they were looking for
4. visited hawaii
5. watched a meteor shower
6. given more than you can afford to charity - isn't this is the key to being rich?
7. been to disneyland
8. climbed a mountain - doesn't say you had to reach the summit...
9. held a praying mantis
10. sang a solo
11. bungee jumped
12. visited paris - oh man!!!! I so wanna!
13. watched a lightning storm at sea
14. taught yourself an art from scratch
15. adopted a child - i did not change or embelish these questions...=)
16. had food poisoning - on Christmas Day nonetheless!
17. seen in person the statue of liberty
18. grown your own vegetables
19. seen the mona lisa in france - dang it!
20. slept on an overnight train
21. had a pillow fight
22. hitch-hiked
23. taken a sick day when you're not ill
24. built a snow fort - built an amazing one w/my cousin Jerry once! we even had a campfire in it!
25. held a lamb
26. gone skinny dipping - umm, my parents are reading this...
27. run a marathon
28. ridden in a gondola in venice - now I'm getting mad!
29. seen a total eclipse
30. watched a sunrise or a sunset - doh!
31. hit a home run (in the park)
32. been on a cruise -2!
33. seen niagra falls in person
34. visited the birthplace of your ancestors - someday!
35. seen an amish community
36. taught yourself a new language
37. had enough money to be truly satisfied - never has been about the $money$ for me...
38. seen the leaning tower of pisa in person - OK, who wrote these questions????
39. gone rock climbing
40. seen michaelangelo's david - No comment!
41. sung karaoke
42. seen the old faithful geyser erupt
43. bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. visited africa
45. walked on a beach by moonlight
46. been transported in an ambulance
47. received a prestigious award
48. gone deep sea fishing
49. seen the sistine chapel in person - I'm leaving tomorrow
50. been to the top of the eiffel tower in paris - really, I am!
51. gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. kissed in the rain - my hubby is very romantic this way...
53. played in the mud
54. gone to a drive-in theater
55. been in a movie
56. visited the great wall of china
57. started a business
58. taken a martial arts class
59. visited russia
60. served at a soup kitchen
61. sold girl scout cookies
62. gone whale watching
63. got flowers for no reason - honey, are you looking? It's not bold!
64. donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. gone sky diving
66. visited a nazi concentration camp
67. bounced a check - you haven't lived until you've received a NSF notice!
68. flown in a helicopter
69. saved a favorite childhood toy
70. visited the lincoln memorial
71. eaten caviar
72. pieced a quilt
73. stood in times square
74. toured the everglades
75. been fired from a job
76. seen the changing of the guards in london - See me? I'm packing right now...
77. broken a bone
78. been on a speeding motorcycle
79. seen the grand canyon in person
80. published a book
81. visited the vatican - shhhhh!
82. bought a brand new car
83. walked in jerusalem
84. had your picture in the newspaper
85. read the entire bible
86. visited the white house
87. killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. had chickenpox - when i was 32!
89. saved someone's life
90. sat on a jury
91. met someone famous
92. joined a book club
93. lost a loved one
94. had a baby
95. seen the alamo in person
96. swam in the great salt lake
97. been involved in a law suit
98. owned a cell phone
99. been stung by a bee - an entire hive once!
100. learned to play an instrument
2. slept under the stars
3. played in a band - concert band, but I doubt this is what they were looking for
4. visited hawaii
5. watched a meteor shower
6. given more than you can afford to charity - isn't this is the key to being rich?
7. been to disneyland
8. climbed a mountain - doesn't say you had to reach the summit...
9. held a praying mantis
10. sang a solo
11. bungee jumped
12. visited paris - oh man!!!! I so wanna!
13. watched a lightning storm at sea
14. taught yourself an art from scratch
15. adopted a child - i did not change or embelish these questions...=)
16. had food poisoning - on Christmas Day nonetheless!
17. seen in person the statue of liberty
18. grown your own vegetables
19. seen the mona lisa in france - dang it!
20. slept on an overnight train
21. had a pillow fight
22. hitch-hiked
23. taken a sick day when you're not ill
24. built a snow fort - built an amazing one w/my cousin Jerry once! we even had a campfire in it!
25. held a lamb
26. gone skinny dipping - umm, my parents are reading this...
27. run a marathon
28. ridden in a gondola in venice - now I'm getting mad!
29. seen a total eclipse
30. watched a sunrise or a sunset - doh!
31. hit a home run (in the park)
32. been on a cruise -2!
33. seen niagra falls in person
34. visited the birthplace of your ancestors - someday!
35. seen an amish community
36. taught yourself a new language
37. had enough money to be truly satisfied - never has been about the $money$ for me...
38. seen the leaning tower of pisa in person - OK, who wrote these questions????
39. gone rock climbing
40. seen michaelangelo's david - No comment!
41. sung karaoke
42. seen the old faithful geyser erupt
43. bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. visited africa
45. walked on a beach by moonlight
46. been transported in an ambulance
47. received a prestigious award
48. gone deep sea fishing
49. seen the sistine chapel in person - I'm leaving tomorrow
50. been to the top of the eiffel tower in paris - really, I am!
51. gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. kissed in the rain - my hubby is very romantic this way...
53. played in the mud
54. gone to a drive-in theater
55. been in a movie
56. visited the great wall of china
57. started a business
58. taken a martial arts class
59. visited russia
60. served at a soup kitchen
61. sold girl scout cookies
62. gone whale watching
63. got flowers for no reason - honey, are you looking? It's not bold!
64. donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. gone sky diving
66. visited a nazi concentration camp
67. bounced a check - you haven't lived until you've received a NSF notice!
68. flown in a helicopter
69. saved a favorite childhood toy
70. visited the lincoln memorial
71. eaten caviar
72. pieced a quilt
73. stood in times square
74. toured the everglades
75. been fired from a job
76. seen the changing of the guards in london - See me? I'm packing right now...
77. broken a bone
78. been on a speeding motorcycle
79. seen the grand canyon in person
80. published a book
81. visited the vatican - shhhhh!
82. bought a brand new car
83. walked in jerusalem
84. had your picture in the newspaper
85. read the entire bible
86. visited the white house
87. killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. had chickenpox - when i was 32!
89. saved someone's life
90. sat on a jury
91. met someone famous
92. joined a book club
93. lost a loved one
94. had a baby
95. seen the alamo in person
96. swam in the great salt lake
97. been involved in a law suit
98. owned a cell phone
99. been stung by a bee - an entire hive once!
100. learned to play an instrument
Another "Fun" Activity!
This is an easy one.... copy and paste this into a new post and BOLD the activities you have done. Elaborate if you like...
1. started your own blog
2. slept under the stars
3. played in a band
4. visited hawaii
5. watched a meteor shower
6. given more than you can afford to charity
7. been to disneyland
8. climbed a mountain
9. held a praying mantis
10. sang a solo
11. bungee jumped
12. visited paris
13. watched a lightning storm at sea
14. taught yourself an art from scratch
15. adopted a child
16. had food poisoning
17. seen in person the statue of liberty
18. grown your own vegetables
19. seen the mona lisa in france
20. slept on an overnight train
21. had a pillow fight
22. hitch-hiked
23. taken a sick day when you're not ill
24. built a snow fort
25. held a lamb
26. gone skinny dipping
27. run a marathon
28. ridden in a gondola in venice
29. seen a total eclipse
30. watched a sunrise or a sunset
31. hit a home run (in the park)
32. been on a cruise
33. seen niagra falls in person
34. visited the birthplace of your ancestors
35. seen an amish community
36. taught yourself a new language
37. had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. seen the leaning tower of pisa in person
39. gone rock climbing
40. seen michaelangelo's david
41. sung karaoke
42. seen the old faithful geyser erupt
43. bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant4
4. visited africa
45. walked on a beach by moonlight
46. been transported in an ambulance
47. received a prestigious award
48. gone deep sea fishing
49. seen the sistine chapel in person
50. been to the top of the eiffel tower in paris
51. gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. kissed in the rain
53. played in the mud
54. gone to a drive-in theater
55. been in a movie
56. visited the great wall of china
57. started a business
58. taken a martial arts class
59. visited russia
60. served at a soup kitchen
61. sold girl scout cookies
62. gone whale watching
63. got flowers for no reason
64. donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. gone sky diving
66. visited a nazi concentration camp
67. bounced a check
68. flown in a helicopter
69. saved a favorite childhood toy
70. visited the lincoln memorial
71. eaten caviar
72. pieced a quilt
73. stood in times square
74. toured the everglades
75. been fired from a job
76. seen the changing of the guards in london
77. broken a bone
78. been on a speeding motorcycle
79. seen the grand canyon in person
80. published a book
81. visited the vatican
82. bought a brand new car
83. walked in jerusalem
84. had your picture in the newspaper
85. read the entire bible
86. visited the white house
87. killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. had chickenpox
89. saved someone's life
90. sat on a jury
91. met someone famous
92. joined a book club
93. lost a loved one
94. had a baby
95. seen the alamo in person
96. swam in the great salt lake
97. been involved in a law suit
98. owned a cell phone
99. been stung by a bee
100. learned to play an instrument
1. started your own blog
2. slept under the stars
3. played in a band
4. visited hawaii
5. watched a meteor shower
6. given more than you can afford to charity
7. been to disneyland
8. climbed a mountain
9. held a praying mantis
10. sang a solo
11. bungee jumped
12. visited paris
13. watched a lightning storm at sea
14. taught yourself an art from scratch
15. adopted a child
16. had food poisoning
17. seen in person the statue of liberty
18. grown your own vegetables
19. seen the mona lisa in france
20. slept on an overnight train
21. had a pillow fight
22. hitch-hiked
23. taken a sick day when you're not ill
24. built a snow fort
25. held a lamb
26. gone skinny dipping
27. run a marathon
28. ridden in a gondola in venice
29. seen a total eclipse
30. watched a sunrise or a sunset
31. hit a home run (in the park)
32. been on a cruise
33. seen niagra falls in person
34. visited the birthplace of your ancestors
35. seen an amish community
36. taught yourself a new language
37. had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. seen the leaning tower of pisa in person
39. gone rock climbing
40. seen michaelangelo's david
41. sung karaoke
42. seen the old faithful geyser erupt
43. bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant4
4. visited africa
45. walked on a beach by moonlight
46. been transported in an ambulance
47. received a prestigious award
48. gone deep sea fishing
49. seen the sistine chapel in person
50. been to the top of the eiffel tower in paris
51. gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. kissed in the rain
53. played in the mud
54. gone to a drive-in theater
55. been in a movie
56. visited the great wall of china
57. started a business
58. taken a martial arts class
59. visited russia
60. served at a soup kitchen
61. sold girl scout cookies
62. gone whale watching
63. got flowers for no reason
64. donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. gone sky diving
66. visited a nazi concentration camp
67. bounced a check
68. flown in a helicopter
69. saved a favorite childhood toy
70. visited the lincoln memorial
71. eaten caviar
72. pieced a quilt
73. stood in times square
74. toured the everglades
75. been fired from a job
76. seen the changing of the guards in london
77. broken a bone
78. been on a speeding motorcycle
79. seen the grand canyon in person
80. published a book
81. visited the vatican
82. bought a brand new car
83. walked in jerusalem
84. had your picture in the newspaper
85. read the entire bible
86. visited the white house
87. killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. had chickenpox
89. saved someone's life
90. sat on a jury
91. met someone famous
92. joined a book club
93. lost a loved one
94. had a baby
95. seen the alamo in person
96. swam in the great salt lake
97. been involved in a law suit
98. owned a cell phone
99. been stung by a bee
100. learned to play an instrument
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
#11 on My List (See Parlee Blog)
Winter Wonderland
What a beautiful morning in God's world! How grateful we are to have heat, power, ample food . When daylight comes I will post a photo.
Perhaps the most distressing news is that we may have another whole week of the cold temps and ice that may prevent our family gathering to celebrate together. I guess the day we gather will be significant, even if it isn't on Christmas.
Jack has enjoyed keeping the birds fed, and looking out the window at raccoon tracks as they scavenge for food. I like using the oven, and wearing my new Christmas slippers to keep my feet warm. Good thing Santa is understanding!
Our church services are canceled. We will miss singing with the orchestra this morning. Everyone has spent hours in preparation, so I do hope we will have services on Wednesday night.
For now....I hope you are all warm, comfortable, and safe.
n daylight comes I will post a photo.
Perhaps the most distressing news is that we may have another whole week of the cold temps and ice that may prevent our family gathering to celebrate together. I guess the day we gather will be significant, even if it isn't on Christmas.
Jack has enjoyed keeping the birds fed, and looking out the window at raccoon tracks as they scavenge for food. I like using the oven, and wearing my new Christmas slippers to keep my feet warm. Good thing Santa is understanding!
Our church services are canceled. We will miss singing with the orchestra this morning. Everyone has spent hours in preparation, so I do hope we will have services on Wednesday night.
For now....I hope you are all warm, comfortable, and safe.
Perhaps the most distressing news is that we may have another whole week of the cold temps and ice that may prevent our family gathering to celebrate together. I guess the day we gather will be significant, even if it isn't on Christmas.
Jack has enjoyed keeping the birds fed, and looking out the window at raccoon tracks as they scavenge for food. I like using the oven, and wearing my new Christmas slippers to keep my feet warm. Good thing Santa is understanding!
Our church services are canceled. We will miss singing with the orchestra this morning. Everyone has spent hours in preparation, so I do hope we will have services on Wednesday night.
For now....I hope you are all warm, comfortable, and safe.
n daylight comes I will post a photo.
Perhaps the most distressing news is that we may have another whole week of the cold temps and ice that may prevent our family gathering to celebrate together. I guess the day we gather will be significant, even if it isn't on Christmas.
Jack has enjoyed keeping the birds fed, and looking out the window at raccoon tracks as they scavenge for food. I like using the oven, and wearing my new Christmas slippers to keep my feet warm. Good thing Santa is understanding!
Our church services are canceled. We will miss singing with the orchestra this morning. Everyone has spent hours in preparation, so I do hope we will have services on Wednesday night.
For now....I hope you are all warm, comfortable, and safe.
Posted on Behalf of Elaine
Favorite color: just like Grandma, it is red. Red clothes, red truck, red wallet. You got it!
Favorite childhood game: no contest! Hide and Seek. My cousins and I played this back in Vermont where I was born. Later it was neighborhood kids and finally 6th graders at the ocean. Maybe next will be peek-a-boo with Brendan.
Role model: Certainly my mother who was generous, giving and patient...until she blew up at me. She had the Vermonter attitude of giving to all in need. Casseroles, trips to the doc, lending the car to the doc in the snow, you name it, she did it.
Animal: I would fly like an eagle to the sun...
Favorite book: Well, gee. I read so much that I think it is like a variation on some kind of bad habit. Not really. A very impressive piece of fiction is Water for Elephants. Anything by Alice Hoffman or Elizabeth Berg. On a spiritual note I have enjoyed the theories of Elaine Pagels and Marcus Borg. Both are Christians, but push the envelope and tweak our brains.
In History: I used to think I was born out of time. Then Owen and Carolyn were gifted to us and I knew I was in the right place and time.
Favorite Hobby: Anything that I can create with my hands or make grow.
Favorite Hobby: Anything that I can create with my hands or make grow.
Vacation Spot: We don't vacation now, but when the kids were a few years younger we went to Manzanita, Oregon and rented a house. We took a friend for each child...or not if it didn't work out. Yosemite is the Jaques family's favorite spot. We scattered Jeff's dad's ashes there in the high country. Now we have the Daly cabin to see to and that is the sweetest retreat of all.
Annoying: Jeff can answer this one! Owen would say it might be how distracted I get trying to think and answer his question at the same time! Care would probably question my intelligence!
Resolutions: I don't do this. But I do try to honor my life and am grateful for my health...no kidding!
Love to all,
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Well Allright Then
1.) Favorite color? "Deep greens and blues are the colors I choose"
2.) Favorite childhood game? "Snow forts and snow balls"
3.) Who is your role model? (Can't be a relative) BATMAN
4.) If you could be an animal, what would you be and why? Polar Bear... Doubt anyone would bother me
5.) Favorite book or latest good book you've read? Tolkien trilogy
6.) If you could be alive during any period of time in history, when would it be and why?2500 ad..would be interested to see what's left of the joint and also new technology.
7.) What’s your favorite hobby? Goofing around on these infernal time wells. (puters)
8.) Favorite vacation spot? Cozumel, Mexico
9.) What’s the most annoying thing you do?The beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You pick, so many choices.
10.) What New Year's resolutions are you considering? See number nine above
2.) Favorite childhood game? "Snow forts and snow balls"
3.) Who is your role model? (Can't be a relative) BATMAN
4.) If you could be an animal, what would you be and why? Polar Bear... Doubt anyone would bother me
5.) Favorite book or latest good book you've read? Tolkien trilogy
6.) If you could be alive during any period of time in history, when would it be and why?2500 ad..would be interested to see what's left of the joint and also new technology.
7.) What’s your favorite hobby? Goofing around on these infernal time wells. (puters)
8.) Favorite vacation spot? Cozumel, Mexico
9.) What’s the most annoying thing you do?The beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You pick, so many choices.
10.) What New Year's resolutions are you considering? See number nine above
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Stories from Jack
1.) Favorite color? Green.....all shades.
2.) Favorite childhood game? Snow tracking with brother Dick at Arbor Lodge. After a new snowfall, in the dark with a flashlight, we played hide and seek by tracking footprints.
3.) Who is your role model? (Can't be a relative) Bob Hope. He lived a wonderfully happy and fruitful life and passed on joy to millions of needy people.
4.) If you could be an animal, what would you be and why?A bull elk. The elk are majestic and independent, and enjoy high mountain seclusion!
5.) Favorite book or latest good book you've read? Into Thin Air. It tells the story of the climbing of Mt. Everest; The Heart of the Sea about whaling, struggle and survival.
6.) If you could be alive during any period of time in history, when would it be and why? I would choose the time of the early European sailors that explored the oceans in circumnavigating routes....why? I love adventure with a purpose!
7.) What’s your favorite hobby? Camping; golf; home-care.
8.) Favorite vacation spot? Camping in the National Parks. Best experiences at Yellowstone, Grand Teton, Glacier, Death Valley, Yosemite, and Rainier.
9.) What’s the most annoying thing you do? Clear my throat!!!
10.) What New Year's resolutions are you considering? Don't make promises!
2.) Favorite childhood game? Snow tracking with brother Dick at Arbor Lodge. After a new snowfall, in the dark with a flashlight, we played hide and seek by tracking footprints.
3.) Who is your role model? (Can't be a relative) Bob Hope. He lived a wonderfully happy and fruitful life and passed on joy to millions of needy people.
4.) If you could be an animal, what would you be and why?A bull elk. The elk are majestic and independent, and enjoy high mountain seclusion!
5.) Favorite book or latest good book you've read? Into Thin Air. It tells the story of the climbing of Mt. Everest; The Heart of the Sea about whaling, struggle and survival.
6.) If you could be alive during any period of time in history, when would it be and why? I would choose the time of the early European sailors that explored the oceans in circumnavigating routes....why? I love adventure with a purpose!
7.) What’s your favorite hobby? Camping; golf; home-care.
8.) Favorite vacation spot? Camping in the National Parks. Best experiences at Yellowstone, Grand Teton, Glacier, Death Valley, Yosemite, and Rainier.
9.) What’s the most annoying thing you do? Clear my throat!!!
10.) What New Year's resolutions are you considering? Don't make promises!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Baby Love!
About Jackie
1.) Favorite color?
Definitely GREEN! Are you surprised?
2.) Favorite childhood game?
Operation, LIFE and Backgammon
3.) Who is your role model? (Can't be a relative)
Eleanor Roosevelt for her remarkable ability to confront and overcome hurdles. She lead a very inspiring life from a difficult childhood to her productive and political years in the White House with Teddy. She led a life of resilience and she had many personal experiences that I can relate to! I'm also a big Bette Midler fan...
4.) If you could be an animal, what would you be and why?
Definitely GREEN! Are you surprised?
2.) Favorite childhood game?
Operation, LIFE and Backgammon
3.) Who is your role model? (Can't be a relative)
Eleanor Roosevelt for her remarkable ability to confront and overcome hurdles. She lead a very inspiring life from a difficult childhood to her productive and political years in the White House with Teddy. She led a life of resilience and she had many personal experiences that I can relate to! I'm also a big Bette Midler fan...
4.) If you could be an animal, what would you be and why?
An Opossum! Just joking... I think I'd choose to be a cat. People don't mess with cats, they get respect!
5.) Favorite book or latest good book you've read?
5.) Favorite book or latest good book you've read?
I'm a non-fiction junkie and right now I'm reading The Exchange 2003 Resource Kit. Oh, Yawn... A good book I've read recently is A Hidden Wholeness: A Guide To An Undivided Life by Parker Palmer. After reading it, you'll understand his "Circle of Trust" concept.
6.) If you could be alive during any period of time in history, when would it be and why?
6.) If you could be alive during any period of time in history, when would it be and why?
Well, of course, I wouldn't trade the people in my life for anything, but the times of the original Camelot sure sound interesting!
7.) What’s your favorite hobby?
7.) What’s your favorite hobby?
That's a toughie! I like blogging and decorating, but my favorite has got to be getting outside to camp in the good old NW!
8.) Favorite vacation spot?
8.) Favorite vacation spot?
Manzanillo, Mexico is pretty hard to beat, but anywhere in the woods is a close second!
9.) What’s the most annoying thing you do?
9.) What’s the most annoying thing you do?
I pile my clothes on the side of the bathtub! Somebody build me a bigger closet, puhleeeze!
10.) What New Year's resolutions are you considering?
10.) What New Year's resolutions are you considering?
To stay true to my boundaries and to always keep my honey and family my #1 priority!
My Answers to the Questions
1.) Favorite color? Blue - but I had to use green here for contrast as blue did not look good :)
2.) Favorite childhood game? As a little kid "Sorry"
3.) Who is your role model? (Can't be a relative) Hum don't know that one.
4.) If you could be an animal, what would you be and why? A bird so I could fly - an Eagle would be cool.
5.) Favorite book or latest good book you've read? Recently either Pillars of the Earth or the Other Boleyn Girl
6.) If you could be alive during any period of time in history, when would it be and why? Either during the Medieval period, Henry the VIII period -- OR - during the period leading upto and just past the Revolutonary War - say 1760's to 1820's
7.) What’s your favorite hobby? Lately it seems to be working on the house, I've always like engineering and bulding things.
8.) Favorite vacation spot? So far Mexico, Manzanillo - Grand Bay resort
9.) What’s the most annoying thing you do? There are so many - recently Jackie says I fidget - twirl my glasses, bounce my feet, can't sit still.
10.) What New Year's resolutions are you considering? I don't do New Year's resolutions.
2.) Favorite childhood game? As a little kid "Sorry"
3.) Who is your role model? (Can't be a relative) Hum don't know that one.
4.) If you could be an animal, what would you be and why? A bird so I could fly - an Eagle would be cool.
5.) Favorite book or latest good book you've read? Recently either Pillars of the Earth or the Other Boleyn Girl
6.) If you could be alive during any period of time in history, when would it be and why? Either during the Medieval period, Henry the VIII period -- OR - during the period leading upto and just past the Revolutonary War - say 1760's to 1820's
7.) What’s your favorite hobby? Lately it seems to be working on the house, I've always like engineering and bulding things.
8.) Favorite vacation spot? So far Mexico, Manzanillo - Grand Bay resort
9.) What’s the most annoying thing you do? There are so many - recently Jackie says I fidget - twirl my glasses, bounce my feet, can't sit still.
10.) What New Year's resolutions are you considering? I don't do New Year's resolutions.
Well OK....I'll Play the Game!
1.) Favorite color? Red
2.) Favorite childhood game? Wow...now that's Ancient History. We played a lot of circle games in the schoolyard that were active and fun. Individually, I liked playing store with a couple of friends.
3.) Who is your role model? (Can't be a relative) I hope you all know the answer! I aspire to follow Jesus, though I'm not always successful!
4.) If you could be an animal, what would you be and why? In these temps, I'd like to be a lap cat!
5.) Favorite book or latest good book you've read? Well....guess! But besides that one, I'm truly not sure. John Ortberg is a Christian writer who wrote about Living Life Better...although that is not the title. (I loaned it to friend.) It is the book I keep going back to, over and over when dealing with life's hard questions.
6.) If you could be alive during any period of time in history, when would it be and why? I believe I lived the best years: I was pretty much unscathed by by World War II, lived in the "boon" years, had children in a time when they didn't have to go to war, and saw wonderful changes in technique/technology. Besides...I couldn't give up modern-day plumbing!
7.) What’s your favorite hobby? Duh....Quilting
8.) Favorite vacation spot? The NW in the Spring; New England in the fall; the Desert in the Winter!; and Sunriver with my family in the Summer!
9.) What’s the most annoying thing you do? Finish other people's sentences!
10.) What New Year's resolutions are you considering? Keeping life simple!
2.) Favorite childhood game? Wow...now that's Ancient History. We played a lot of circle games in the schoolyard that were active and fun. Individually, I liked playing store with a couple of friends.
3.) Who is your role model? (Can't be a relative) I hope you all know the answer! I aspire to follow Jesus, though I'm not always successful!
4.) If you could be an animal, what would you be and why? In these temps, I'd like to be a lap cat!
5.) Favorite book or latest good book you've read? Well....guess! But besides that one, I'm truly not sure. John Ortberg is a Christian writer who wrote about Living Life Better...although that is not the title. (I loaned it to friend.) It is the book I keep going back to, over and over when dealing with life's hard questions.
6.) If you could be alive during any period of time in history, when would it be and why? I believe I lived the best years: I was pretty much unscathed by by World War II, lived in the "boon" years, had children in a time when they didn't have to go to war, and saw wonderful changes in technique/technology. Besides...I couldn't give up modern-day plumbing!
7.) What’s your favorite hobby? Duh....Quilting
8.) Favorite vacation spot? The NW in the Spring; New England in the fall; the Desert in the Winter!; and Sunriver with my family in the Summer!
9.) What’s the most annoying thing you do? Finish other people's sentences!
10.) What New Year's resolutions are you considering? Keeping life simple!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
A Fun, Get-To-Know-You Survey!
Copy and paste the questions into a new post....
1.) Favorite color?
2.) Favorite childhood game?
3.) Who is your role model? (Can't be a relative)
4.) If you could be an animal, what would you be and why?
5.) Favorite book or latest good book you've read?
6.) If you could be alive during any period of time in history, when would it be and why?
7.) What’s your favorite hobby?
8.) Favorite vacation spot?
9.) What’s the most annoying thing you do?
10.) What New Year's resolutions are you considering?
1.) Favorite color?
2.) Favorite childhood game?
3.) Who is your role model? (Can't be a relative)
4.) If you could be an animal, what would you be and why?
5.) Favorite book or latest good book you've read?
6.) If you could be alive during any period of time in history, when would it be and why?
7.) What’s your favorite hobby?
8.) Favorite vacation spot?
9.) What’s the most annoying thing you do?
10.) What New Year's resolutions are you considering?
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
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