The calendar is relentless! We'll soon all be headed south. I've been doing some thinking about our fun week together, and trying to make sure we don't spend all our week in the kitchen! I have dreamed up the following proposal!
Each family bring their "must haves" for breakfast. We'll all contribute to a meal fund and buy beverages, bacon, eggs, hash browns and fruit when we get there, as well as items for lunch. I suggest lunch and breakfast on your own most days, as we all operate on different schedules. And.....CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELF.
Once we've established something of a schedule, we might decide to have large breakfasts together and earlier dinners for just two meals a day and snacks??? I have a big stack of paper plates I'll contribute for lunches, and lots of plastic utensils from the family reunion 10 years ago :)...also tons of Costco napkins.
I might suggest that if we want to go out to eat, it might be good to do that for lunch on "expedition" days.
As to dinner... Bring what you can from home to reduce shopping. Each provide the "stuff" for your particular meal.
I propose the following schedule:
Sunday: Jackie - Tacos??? We'll be arriving in the afternoon. Simple to prepare and we can all help chop and grate.
Monday: Darla - Teriyaki steak, etc
Tuesday: Dave - Chuck Wagon Night
Wednesday: Jackie - Italian
Thursday: Darla - American Something or Other!
Friday: Community Effort/Decision
It should be noted that I'm open to suggestions. I just have more time to think about this than the rest of you. It's coming up fast!
P.S. Bill always gets a ticket in Oregon! Drive the speed limit and be safe! Don't forget your toys and games!
Sounds like a plan, Stan! Hopefully there will be some freezer room there... I may stick to Jenny Craig for Breakfast/Lunch, otherwise you may have to roll me home!
I am gooe w/the dinners you have me signed up for tho and will bring community snacks and fruit too. If everyone brings the condiments that go w/their meal, we should be good!
Elika is coming, right?
Afternoon PIE Making Class - teachers are: G&G if they are willing!!!
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