I just thought I'd tell you, that if you're old, life can still be good! We're enjoying ourselves immensely with the planning of a series of celebrations to celebrate 50 years of marriage and 70 long years of life! We had a great time in Palm Desert and we're looking forward to our cruise and to the time we plan to spend together in the summer. Some friends of ours did something every month to celebrate their special year. We won't quite manage that, unless we call supper at Bur's a celebration!
I think it has energized us both. Dad got moving on getting rid of all the excess wood from tree cutting and old fences. He also installed a new electronic thermostat for our furnace. Wow! He's got moss killer on the yard, and hopes to thatch and fertilized before our next trip. We're thinking and planning for the new living room window. We WILL get that done this year.
As for me...I've been organizing and cleaning corners. When you're 70, you'd better have your "house in order." I updated my genealogy software and have plans to bring my records up to date. I will try to spend more time with friends and family, and get some plans made for that new garden area in the back. Gee...this sounds like a list of New Year's resolutions!
Thank you, Jackie, for this new way for us to keep in touch. It's fun to have a family "journal." Now we all just have to make a new habit! We're looking forward to seeing you all "in the flesh" soon.
Love you both! And that picture of grandpa at the top just makes me smile!! There needs to be one of you too gram. By the way I finally bought a new key faub for my car. You know the one to lock and unlock my doors without having find the key hole in the dark. yay...now i just have to figure out what to do about this window...another thing to save for i guess...Love you guys!
I know we are looking forward to celebrating with you! It's a big year in our family!!!
Love you both!
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